Blog Posts

Combat traffic

Blog #28 In our suburban paradise, traffic has been noticeably increasing for a while, always...

All service is not the same.

Blog #27 Disclamer: I’ve been setting on this one for a while, concerned about offending anyone. But...

Riding Florida’s Forgotten Coast

Blog #26 Note: This post is best read while looking at a map of the south shore of Florida’s...

The Pastor’s Wife.

Blog #25 If you are affiliated with a church regardless of the denomination, you’ve probably been to...

A More Challenging Leadership.

Blog #24 The best leaders learn by noticing what other leaders do, good and bad. With a focus on...

How was your crash?

Blog #23 Lawrence Rinehart Phyllis tells me that whenever her mother, an amazing, Godly woman now in...

Your Calling and Passion.

Blog #23. Lawrence Rinehart When you’re in a period where your calling and your passion are not...

Morning Meanderings.

Blog #22 Lawrence Rinehart Readers of this blog know that I ride a bicycle, mostly in the mornings...

Long Distance Solo Riding

Blog #21 Lawrence Rinehart Readers of this blog know that I’ve been blessed to complete many six and...